Informed Consent
Raleigh Coaching
Raleigh Coaching Informed Consent Form
You are being invited to complete the EQ-i 2.0, a reliable and valid measure of emotional intelligence, as part of your executive coaching and professional development.
Unless you choose to share with others, the only people who will see your results are you and Raleigh Coaching, LLC dba Authentic Leadership Advisors.
The purpose of the assessment is to give you insight into your emotional intelligence skills so that you can develop as a leader. You will be provided a debrief about what your results mean. You may choose to create a development plan based on your results that you would share with your stakeholder.
The assessment will take about 15 minutes of your time. There are no right or wrong answers. The assessment can detect an overly false positive impression so just be honest. If you have any questions about the assessment, please contact Kathleen O’Grady at (919) 322-8344.
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